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5 Reasons to Attend the 5th English for Healthcare Conference: Reason 1


July 2022 | 5/2022 | Conference | EALTHY Blog

After a 3-year break from face-to-face events, the entire EALTHY team together with Serbian partners are hugely looking forward to welcoming you at the 5th English for Healthcare Conference hosted by the Faculty of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. The conference takes place on 16th and 17th September. We´re publishing five excellent reasons for joining us. Here is the first one.

REASON 1: This is the only international conference dedicated to the teaching of English for Healthcare!

While other language conferences cover a wide range of topics – something for everyone – this conference is dedicated to the teaching and learning of English for Healthcare. The importance of English for Healthcare has grown exponentially over the last few years as medicine has globalised and healthcare professionals need to improve their English to keep up with research, join international teams, attend conferences and work in different countries.

As demand mand for English for Healthcare has grown, so has the need for teachers and lecturers to develop their expertise in this challenging area. Teachers around the world work with a wide range of disciplines in healthcare, from medicine and nursing to pharmacy, radiography, and veterinary science. The subject matter is highly technical at times, and there are often few resources to draw on. Many teachers need to create their own curricula, make their own materials, and design courses that address a quite specific language and communication needs.

The English for Healthcare Conference is a unique opportunity for teachers and lecturers, as well as academic managers, researchers and translators, to meet colleagues from different countries, attend workshops and presentations, and gain insights into their work and how to improve what they do. They get ideas, practical tips and techniques, and forge connections with the wider world of English for Healthcare that they would not find elsewhere – not only through the formal programme, but also through meeting and chatting with colleagues over a cup of coffee, a glass of wine or an evening dinner.

So, what are you waiting for?

Find out what´s happening on the conference website and register for this unique event!