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5 Reasons to Attend the 5th English for Healthcare Conference: Reason 2


July 2022 | 5/2022 | Conference | EALTHY Blog

After a 3-year break from face-to-face events, the entire EALTHY team together with Serbian partners are hugely looking forward to welcoming you at the 5th English for Healthcare Conference hosted by the Faculty of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. The conference takes place on 16th and 17th September. We´re publishing five excellent reasons for joining us. Here is the second one.

REASON 2: A wide-ranging programme offering a great value to anyone involved in the teaching of English for Healthcare

The English for Healthcare has always had an excellent selection of talks, workshops and poster presentations given by practitioners from around the world, and this year´s line-up is no exception. Just look at the following:


Reasearch-based talks

Sessions include research on the use of role play when teaching clinical language, the challenges of transcultural nursing, publication of research by non-native English academics, and the comparison of online and classroom-based teaching of English for Medical Academic Purposes.

Practice-oriented talks

A wide range of sessions including those on assessing communicative competence in nursing, providing English language training for lecturers working on EMI programmes, incorporating technology and film in the classroom, and the use of consecutive interpreting classes to teach language. There is a number of presentations on course design, from an academic writing course to a medical ethics and reasoning training course, an interdisciplinary course for 1st-year students, a communicative CALL programme for medical students, and an international project to develop a communication workshop, Radiography English Across Borders.


Workshops are longer, hands-on sessions. Those on the programme include how to help healthcare students read and listen more effectively in English, use an immersive approach in the classroom, develop nurses´ clinical communication skills, help students in OET Writing, promote peer-to-peer learning, and develop the art of listening.

Poster Presentations

The conference sees an excellent variety of researchers presenting on a range of topics, including medical terminology, translating medical texts for social media, metaphors used when describing Covid-19 and more widely across medicine, attitudes to online assessment, ageism in communication, language markers in research articles, an using medical interview when teaching.


Phew! What a selection! The 5th English for Healthcare has something for everyone. So, what are you waiting for?

Check the programme: