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5 Reasons to Attend the 5th English for Healthcare Conference: Reason 4


July 2022 | 5/2022 | Conference | EALTHY Blog

After a 3-year break from face-to-face events, the entire EALTHY team together with our Serbian partners ate hugely looking forward to welcoming you at the 5th English for Healthcare Conference hosted by the Faculty of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. The conference takes place on 16th and 17th September. We´re publishing five excellent reasons for joining us. Here´s our 4th reason for coming.

REASON 4:  Face to face is back!

We´ve done the virtual thing and it was fun. And successful. However, there´s nothing like a face-to-face conference to stimulate the brain, engage our social nature, and make a joke or two over dinner.

Many English for Healthcare teachers, writers and researchers work in small teams – or even alone. This conference is a fabulous opportunity to come together as a community of practice, exchange ideas and experience, and discover new ways to approach what you do when back at work.

There will be plenty of time to meet others and network – whether it will be in the workshops, over coffee during the break, or at the conference dinner. Attendees have a lot in common and there is always much to share.

You only have to read a few of the reviews from the last English for Healthcare Conference, back in 2019, to get a strong sense of what this means for so many:



Read more reviews and join us: