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Conference | English for Healthcare Conference Programme – is this the best yet?

EALTHY & Specialist Language Courses

May 2024 | conference-2024 | EALTHY Blog | Events

The last five English for Healthcare conferences have all been marked by insightful, memorable and well-delivered plenaries, presentations and workshops – by leading academics, practitioners and authors. The upcoming sixth conference programme may be the best yet.

The world of English for Healthcare is rapidly changing. Language and communication are adapting to a sector undergoing huge changes driven by technology, migration and the impact of the recent pandemic. Education and how people learn has also been similarly impacted. For teachers, researchers and writers, the challenges of keeping courses, materials and pedagogy relevant are considerable.

The conference programme addresses many of these challenges. The plenaries – all given by well-known academics and researchers – look at communication between a globally mobile workforce and increasingly diverse patient bodies, how the arts crossover with medicine, and at how language impacts discourse on critical areas of healthcare such as vaccination.

The presentations cover the ups, downs and practical realities of using AI in English for Healthcare programmes and materials writing. Others examine the challenges of teaching in and across cultures as diverse as Cuba, India, Nigeria, Hungary and Algeria. There are sessions on the evolving approaches to assessment, materials writing and video creation, with focuses on OET, task-based learning, and project work. And there are more sessions on topics as wide-ranging as psychiatric interviewing, the experience of refugee healthcare professionals seeking to settle in English speaking countries, the use of person-first and identity-first language, having difficult conversations in a veterinary setting, and using literature in the classroom.

For anyone involved in designing, writing, or teaching English for healthcare courses, there is a wealth of content to be inspired by. At the end of the conference, you will have gained insights, knowledge and plenty of ideas to take home. Not only that, you will have met like-minded colleagues from around the world and had a ton of interesting conversations that you can continue into the future.

The sixth international English for Healthcare Conference takes place on September 6th and 7th at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School on the south coast of the UK. Read the abstracts and download the programme.

Early-bird tickets on sale by JUNE 30th

Save your place in campus accommodation by MAY 31th