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What We Do

• supports the professional development of those involved in teaching, researching and writing content for English for Healthcare
• enhances the quality of both the teaching and learning of English for Healthcare through developing shareable resources and expertise
• promotes and disseminates understanding of English for Healthcare through events, webinars and networking

Improving the teaching of English for Healthcare is at the heart of what EALTHY does.

EALTHY is the place to come for resources on all things Medical English. Our Members Area has a growing bank of lesson plans, articles, OET preparation support, professional development ideas, videos and research summaries – all included as part of the membership. We also provide regular webinars for members, given by leading experts in English for Healthcare, including writers, lecturers and academic leaders. All webinars are recorded and hosted in the Members Area.

EALTHY is the organisation behind the bi-annual English for Healthcare Conference, a highly respected two-day conference which attracts presenters and delegates from across the world. Presentations include a wide variety of practical and research-based sessions, from syllabus development to using technology, to international collaborations. EALTHY also organises local and regional workshops, hosted by members’ institutions and on themes of regional interest. These workshops are free to members.

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