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A THANK YOU Note by the Local Organising Committee of the 5th English for Healthcare Conference

Danka Sinadinović, Irena Aleksić-Hajduković, Stevan Mijomanović

October 2022 | 5/2022 | Conference | EALTHY Blog

Dear EALTHY members and conference participants,

Even though new academic year started immediately after the conference, which, as you know, meant lots of class preparation and welcoming our new students, we can still feel the sweet taste of the 5th English for Healthcare Conference! Therefore, we would like to thank each and every one of you for this whole experience! Admittedly, it was a tough journey. Organising a face-to-face international conference during such trying times was everything but easy. Still, EALTHY and the LOC managed to gather around 50 participants from 13 countries. Everyone we talked to seemed to be enjoying the atmosphere, the inspiring workshops and presentations along with the poster presentations. The two keynote lectures by Prof Kevin Harvey, University of Nottingham, and Chris Moore, Specialist Language Courses, highlighted two highly important topics – the multimodal representation of dementia in the media and English for Healthcare across the globe with the emphasis on a project devoted to improving Nursing English in Indonesia, respectively. The wine reception kindly sponsored by the OET and the conference dinner enabled us to socialise, connect and exchange ideas for future cooperation and joint projects.

We would like to express gratitude to everyone who contributed to organizing this conference, particularly to Catherine Richards Golini who was there every step of the way. Desirée, Petra, Chris, Louise, Jana – your efforts are highly appreciated! Also, we couldn’t be more thankful to our student volunteers who made sure that everything went smoothly every minute of the event. All of this wouldn’t have been possible without the help and support provided by our institutions, i.e. the deans and vice-deans of the Faculty of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade, to whom we are immensely grateful.

It was great meeting you all! Looking forward to many more EALTHY conferences!

Danka Sinadinović, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine

Irena Aleksić-Hajduković, Assistant Professor, School of Dental Medicine

Stevan Mijomanović, English Language Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine