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Do L2 Learners Read Differently for Comprehension than for Translation?


March 2023 | EALTHY Blog | Language learning | Research summary | Translating & Interpreting

Read new summary of research conducted by Lim et al. (2013)



A self-paced reading and translation task was used with learners of English as a second language (L2) to explore what sorts of information L2 learners use during online comprehension compared to native speakers, and how task (reading for comprehension vs. translation) and proficiency affect L2 comprehension. Thirty-six Korean native speakers of English and 32 native English speakers read plausible and implausible subject relative clauses and object relative clauses.

Reading times, comprehension accuracy, and translations were analyzed. Results showed that L2 learners were able to use syntactic information similarly to native speakers during comprehension, and that online L2 processing and offline comprehension were modulated by reading goals and proficiency. Results are interpreted as showing that L2 processing is quantitatively rather than qualitatively different from first language processing, i.e. strategically “good enough”.


L2 sentence processing, Proficiency and task effects, Good-Enough processing, Translation, Integration of syntactic and semantic information


Read the summary here: